『Unleash EP』
Drum&BassやBass Musicを軸としたレイヴィーかつ攻撃的なDJプレイは、国内はもとより海外のクラウドからも評判上々。名門 Drum&Bass Sessionsを始め、メタモルフォーゼのD'n'B Booth、オーストラリア・シドニーのD'n'B Party DNBBQ 、タイ・バンコクのPhatPhunk等々、国内外大小様々なPartyをロックし続けてきた。
2014年に活動の場を沖縄に移してからは、県内唯一のD'n'B Party RAWFUSIONのメインDJとして沖縄のクラブシーンで活躍。近年は楽曲制作にも力を注いでおり、これまでにカナダのMonkey Dub RecordingsやBassFace Audio、U.SのMultikill Recordings等から楽曲をリリース。2022年にはDJ BAKU主宰のKAIKOO MUSICより1st EP 「Unleash」のリリースを果たし、自らのトラックを織り交ぜたプレイにも注目が集まる。少しでもカラダを揺らせたら最後、ベースの洪水に溺れてアタマ真っ白、気づけば別世界。
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/aru.audio/
SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/aruaudiojp
Born in Kyoto in 1981, DJ/Producer
His rave-like and aggressive DJ performances based on Drum&Bass and Bass Music have been well received by crowds in Japan and abroad.
He has been rocking various parties in Japan and abroad, including the prestigious Drum&Bass Sessions, D'n'B Booth in Metamorphosis, D'n'B Party DNBBQ in Sydney, Australia, and PhatPhunk in Bangkok, Thailand.
Since moving his activities to Okinawa in 2014, he has been active in the Okinawan club scene as the main DJ of D'n'B Party RAWFUSION, the only one in the prefecture. In recent years, he has also been focusing on music production, releasing music from Canada's Monkey Dub Recordings, BassFace Audio, and U.S.'s Multikill Recordings, etc. In 2022, he will release his first EP "Unleash" from DJ BAKU's KAIKOO MUSIC, attracting attention for the way he mixes his own tracks.