『still life』
デジタルシングル「still life」は日々のフラストレーションを浄化させるためのワードを三者三様のスタンスで散文的に詰め込んだ軽快なマイクリレー。
アートワークにはKazuya Tanaka。トラックには山口県岩国市在住のBeatmaker 1Co.INRを迎え、グルーヴ感溢れるトラックにポジティブなリリックが際立つ爽快な1曲に仕上がった。
KINU (Singer), the vocalist of the band "MASTARICA", who has performed at big festivals such as Fujirock and Sunset, called for Hikaru Tanaka (Rapper) and Venom (Rapper), who are both from both Chiba, to join the unit, "JAR".
The digital single "still life" is a light-hearted microphone relay filled with words to purify daily frustrations in a prose-like manner with three different stances.
The artwork is by Kazuya Tanaka, and the track is by Beatmaker 1Co.INR from Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.